Monday, July 14, 2008


This is how I play in my playpen.
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Friday, July 11, 2008

A little off the wall here...

How many of you is this true about? I remember my mom saying something similar when us kids were younger.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

More beach fun!


Last night, the Fourth of July parade went through town.
We had prime seats - We got to sit on our fire escape and watch it; everyone else had to fight for a spot along the street.
We even got a peice of candy thrown up to us!
Derek LOVED the marching bands.
He finally understood the whole waving thing.
It was lots of fun.
While he probably still won't wave bye-bye to you, he at least understands the concept.
We waved at lots of people...
Little boys driving tractors, kids on floats, little old men driving tiny cars, baton-twirling little girls...
Derek didn't have the patience to sit and watch the entire thing, but he saw most of it.
He got pretty tired and cranky toward the end.
Next year I already have plans to teach him how to say things as they go by...
Tractor, Van, Horse, Bike, Etc.
Lots and Lots of fun!

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